Sunday 21 November 2004

The End of the Adventure

I arrived at the airport and found myself with a couple of hours to kill. So, I mused, the end of the Great Levant Adventure, Part II and I’ve survived (part I was 2 months of travel in Egypt, Israel/Palestine and Jordan in 1996 but that’s another story). I felt good, sitting by myself in the departure lounge. Empowered. I remembered how I had been rather fearful upon arrival in Beirut and on my first daytrip to Saida but how it had become rapidly easier from then on. My fondest memories were of Damascus, easily the highlight for me. My experiences there will remain to guide my future path. Damascus is reality, Damascus is the world as it really is, the Divine as close as we can get in this existence. I will always treasure it.

I felt glad that I’d travelled alone – only that way was I able to experience what I did.

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